Termite facts 
Did you know that sub-terranean termites can build upto 40 feet high mounds (termite colony). That is like a typical four-storeyed building.
Naturally termites are not a pest and their recycling of wood and other plant matter is of considerable ecological importance. It is only when they get into our house and start damaging its structure and wood; we consider them to be a pest.
Termites are sometimes called "white ants", though they are not closely related to true ants. Two of the major types of termites are Drywood termites and Sub -terranean termites.
- Drywood Termites
- Subterranean Termites
Drywood termites live in dry, undecayed wood like limbs of trees, utility poles, posts, and lumber. Dry wood termites termites do not require a lot of moisture which makes them live in dry places. They do not require constant contact with the soil for their survival like it's Sub-terranean Cousin.
In a tropical country like India Sub-terranean termites are of more significance as they cause extensive damage. Subterranean termites are social insects which live in colonies in the ground. They build vertical tunnels that look like mud tubes (known as shelter tubes) above ground level in the search of food. Wood is made up of Cellulosic material which is the favorite food of Sub-terranean termites. Termites can also damage material of organic origin with cellulosic base such as paper, cardboard, fabric, furniture, etc. However Sub terranean termites are known for their voracious tendencies and can damage even non-cellulosic substances also in search of the food and shelter.
Termite Management
Because subterranean termites will die if exposed to air for an extended period of time, therefore they need constant moisture source for their survival.

The mud tunnels provide protection from the open air and direct sunlight, allowing workers to forage for the food. Subterranean termites can form runways in the form of tunnels through cracks in concrete. Therefore even RCC structures are not exempt from these termites.
We are specialist in two types of Termite Pest Control services: (i.e White ants treatment)
- Pre-construction Anti-Termite Treatment
- Post-construction Anti-Termite Treatment
The basic purpose of creating a chemical barrier in the soil, along the building is interrupting the runways of termites that root through the termite colony in the soil. An essential component of any termite management programme is treating the floor by injecting extensively along the periphery of the building.

Once a continuous barrier is created, they cannot safely return to their central colony nest through the chemically treated soil. It is an established fact that Termites are compelled to return every few days to their central colony nest in the ground to obtain moisture essential for their survival and to feed and groom the nymphs (young termites), the king, queen and other members of the colony.
Thus the successful installation of a chemical barrier into the soil requires lot of expertise and specialized equipment to form a complete and continuous barrier to protect the premises from a termite entry and future infestation.
If you detect a termite shelter tube or any other form of Termite infestation it is better to go for a solution by a professional pest control company than to handle it on your own.
Just read our Termite FAQ section for very common questions asked by our clients about termites, infestation and it's treatment.
Damp walls and Roof or plumbing leaks can allow termites to survive above ground in a house. These should be corrected as soon as possible. Subterranean termites are capable of building atemporary nest (Satellite colony) in a ceiling or wall cavity where there is a regular moisture source, say from a leaking shower, broken roof tiles, faulty masonry or plumbing.
In the case of sever termite infestations in wood, it is advisable that the wood which is beyond repair, should be discarded least the healthy wood gets cross infested. It is a fact that termites damage commercial boards (like cupboards, almirah, wardrobes, wooden cabinets, wall wooden panelling etc.) more rapidly as compared to solid wood like chokaths (door and window frames).
Contract with our professional pest and termite control company to periodically inspect your home. This will help detect termite activity and allow for an early and proper action.
Three Years Termite -Proofing Contract: (Long term Solution)
Enter into a Three Years contract for your entire Premise with an extensive treatment with Warranty.
NOTE: We provide termite control services in entire Delhi NCR region i.e Gurgaon, Noida, Gaziabad, Faridabad,etc. We have earned the reputation as one of the best Anti termite treatment company in Delhi NCR.

How can we know if my house has termites?
Though termite infestations can be detected by their tell tale symptoms, but it requires a very keen Eye. Mud trails and Shelter tubes are good tell-tale signs of termite infestation. However, not every Termite infestation can be detected by Mud trails. Discoloring of wood or dark patches on the wood Indicate that that there is a termite activity inside the wood; Jammed wooden doors windows or drawers is another indication, If you feel spongy wood, remove it and Check for termite signs. Sometimes when eaten from inside one can see ripples and waves formation on the surface of the wood. In the case of severe termite infestation, the wood starts getting damp and wetty which clearly indicates a termite problem. However leave it to a professional to thoroughly inspect your premise.
My immediate neighbors are getting their house treated against termites. What are the chances of my house getting attacked by the termites next?
Though your neighbor's termite's problem won't essentially become yours, but there is a real risk. Researches have proved that more than a single termite colony can exist beneath two average-sized houses , so there is a possibility that termites may be foraging in or near to your house . Even, there are instances that when one floor of a building is treated for termites , they migrate to the other floors. Sub- terranean termites have a tendency to migrate from treated zones to non- treated zones. Contact an expert termite management professional for a thorough inspection of your premise.
Can termites form routes through cement or concrete?
"Can termites pass through concrete or RCC". This is a very common question asked by people. Subterranean termites do not damage cement or concrete block. However, they can form tunnels through cracks, creavicies , expansion joints and gaps to reach the wood within your house. Besides wooden fixture , termites may attack wood furniture also. However some species of termites called the "super termite" are capable of consuming wood so quickly and have been known to chew through, plastics, plaster, asphalt and even thin sheets of soft metals like copper etc.
Do termites bite humans? Can termites cause infections or spread disease?
Termites do have very powerful mandibles much like ants. If agitated they can bite with these and would feel an ant. As for disease, there's no available evidence to suggest that termite bites have ever transmitted disease.However termites presence ina house creates unhygienic and unhealthy living environment.
Can I tackle termite problem myself?
Termite inspections and treatments are highly specialized and complicated procedures - and best left to licensed, trained pest control professionals. In fact, in our country the material, tools, tackles and termiticides are not available to the general public. The whole procedure usually requires specific tools and techniques for inspection and application of materials, and requires proper training and experience. Many building structures and sites are complex and have unique characteristics that are best treated by a Termite treatment expert. Moreover had the termite treatment been something you could do it on your own, perhaps you would have done it by now.
Will termites go away on their own after termite season is over ?
Termites infestations generally require human intervention. Don't put your home at risk by waiting for termites to abandon your property, because they'll continue to eat all the wood they can find. Contact a professional and have a thorough inspection done on the property.
How frequent should I get my house inspected by a termite management professional?
In termite prone areas (regions) or the areas with a severe infestation of termites, termite Inspection and prevention should be kept as a part of annual home maintenance. This will help ensure that you detect termite infestations at an early stage. An annual termite inspection also is a good idea if your neighborhood has a history of termite problem. The termite control chemicals slowly degrade and become less effective over time So your property may require top -up treatments. By entering into an ongoing service contract with a termite management company , you get cost-effective protection from termites. Moreover professional also gets familiar with structural design of your house, which will help them accurately target any reinfestation.
If I find termites outside my house along the boundary or trees, does that mean Termites can get into my house?
With termite's activity around the house, there is a real possibility that you may have foraging termites in your home or other structures. If so, you need treatment to solve the problem. Contact our termite inspection experts and have a thorough inspection done of your premise especially the structures. If termites or termite damage is not found inside the house , a preventative treatment is still a good idea. This can provide years of protection from termites.
We are planning to get our house re-painted. When is the best time to get the House Treated against termites.
A. Ideally, get the house termite treated before Painting or Polishing done. Any treatment Marks Would get covered up during the house- redone. Moreover Termite control team also gets a Free hand in treating the house thoroughly, as marks and stains do not remain the point of Concern.
Why there is so much treatment cost variation among different companies. How to choose the right one.
One important factor that many people tend to ignore is the level of experience of the Termite treatment professional who will carry out the job. A company with a higher experience may be more expensive but you will get a better job as well. Please remember that the cost of a sub standard termites treatment operation may be a lot more than the most expensive pest control company. So always go for the best when it comes to termite control.