Rats Control
Do you know that Rats' front teeth (incisors) grow 5 inches per year? Their teeth grow continuously throughout their life. Therefore, naturally if they don't gnaw on things, their teeth will grow longer than their bodies. This makes them most destructive structural pest.
It is an established fact that rats can cause great destruction with their powerful teeth and jaws -- jaws so powerful that they can bite through lead!
Rats of either species, especially young once, can squeeze beneath a door with only a 2 cm gap. If the door is made of wood, the rat may gnaw to enlarge the gap.
A. Trapping: Non Chemical Control
The best options available today are the Rat Glue boards which can be used indoors to capture mice and Rats. We as a professional Pest management Company have services and products to help citizens solve this problem for a better environment.
There are several advantages for using rat glue traps:
- Safer than potential hazardous poison baits.
- Quick, immediate results and it allows the user to confirm if the rat was killed.
- Easy disposal of dead rodents avoiding odor problems that will occur if rodenticides kill rodents in inaccessible areas.
B. Baiting : Chemical Control
Another popular method is use of Baits to allure them, which is responsible for slow death of rats.
Poison Baits (Rodenticides). Rodenticides are poisons that kill rodents. Depending upon their chemical property and mode of action Rodenticides can be classified into two groups.
Single dose Anti coagulants (Fast action Baiting)
Multi dose Anti coagulants (Slow action Baiting)